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Nah klo yg ini Inspirasinya udah jelas banget ya! Yup betul, Text effect ini terinspirasi saat Romelu Lukaku lagi mencetak Goal ketiganya di Euro 2020. Dari situ saya ambil aja kata2 Goal terus beri sedikit Embel2 kata of The Day...biar Fungsi text effectnya lebih kerasa.Dan saya gunakan warna2 dari Bendera Ti Belgia...dan Jadi deh!!!
Nah....klo untuk yang kedua ini, pasti penggemar Film Netflix udah pada tahu kan ya!!!Ya.....Inspirasinya berasal dari Film Netflix yang baru saja rilis yaitu Army of the Dead. Alasan kenapa membuat text effect karena merasa Unik aja tentang judul Film ini. Soalnya kan ini kisahnya tentang perang melawan Zombie tapi Lettering judulnya berwarna Pink dan agak Feminim gitu. (Lihat Cover tulisan diatas)
3. Welcome to University Text Effect
Karena saya Adalah seorang Penggemar Anime maka saat saya menonton film Anime My Hero Academia saya berfikir Kok saya gak buat aja ya...Text effect yang mengambil style Judul di Anime itu kali aja nantinya ada desainer Plus Penggemar Al Mighty, Deku dan Kaccan butuh text Style seperti itu.....dan Di Download
4. Ice Cream text Effect
4. Ice Cream text Effect
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Yusuf Sangdes | Juni 2021

Kumpulan Text Effect Gratis di Freepik yang Inspirasinya dari Film-Film Netflix
Posted by SangDesStock on 6/22/2021
Free Vector Islamic Seamless Pattern for Ramadan Kareem Greeting Card.
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How to Make Cheese Mock Up Text
on Adobe Illustrator CC 2019
on Adobe Illustrator CC 2019
History of Adobe illustrator
Adobe Illustrator is a leading vector graphics editor program, developed and marketed by Adobe Systems. Illustrator CC is the latest version of this program, the twentieth generation of Illustrator products.
Adobe Illustrator was first developed by Adobe Inc. in December 1986 (shipping in January 1987) as commercialization at home of Adobe Letter Software Development and PostScript file format. Adobe Illustrator is a companion product of Adobe Photoshop. Photoshop is primarily geared towards digital photo manipulation and photorealistic style computer illustrations, while Illustrator delivers results in typesetting and logo areas of graphic design. Magazine ads (featured in graphic design trade magazines such as Art Communication) products are referred to as "Adobe Illustrator". Illustrator 88, the product name for version 1.7, was released in 1988 and introduced many new tools and features. [2] released in 1988 and introducing new tools and features. In 2011, Adobe Illustrator '88 file format is used in the MATLAB programming language as an option to store numbers.
The first version of Illustrator for Windows, version 2.0, was released in early 1989. The next version of Windows, version 4.0, has been heavily criticized for being too similar to Illustrator 1.1 instead of Macintosh version 3.0, and certainly not the same as Windows's most popular 'illustration package CorelDRAW . (Note that there is no version 2.0 or 4.0 for the Macintosh - though the second release for Mac titled Illustrator 88 - release year) Version 4 is, however, the first version of Illustrator to support editing in preview mode, which does not appear in Macintosh versions up to 5, 0 in 1993.
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Free Download: Cheese Mock Up Text Adobe Illustrator CC 2019
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